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Roundwood: Buying roundwood №51732
Oct. 18, 2024, 8:27 a.m.Views: 239 (stats)
City: Novosokolniki, Pskov region, Russia.
Also in regions of:
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Organization name: show name and reputation
Wood species: Coniferous:spruce
Diameter in centimeters: 14 - 40 cm.
Length in meters: 6 - 6 m.
Price per cubic meter: 0.01 $
The sawmill is interested in Spruce .
Ø from 14 to 18
Ø and from 18 to 40
We pick it up with our own transport (our own loading).
We will put the car on loading in the Tver -
Novgorod and Pskov regions.
We are also interested in carriage deliveries.
Contact details: show contacts
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