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Roundwood: Selling roundwood №51751

Oct. 19, 2024, 4:52 p.m.Views: 336 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia.

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Wood species: Coniferous:spruce

Diameter in centimeters: 18 - 60 cm.

Length in meters: 6 - 6.1 m.

Price per cubic meter: 82.39 $

The company permanently sells round softwood timber in accordance with GOST 9463-88 (pine/spruce).
In stock. Delivery (180 rubles/km).
The loading volume is 42-44 cubic meters. Pickup.
Contract, USAIS, QR code (ED), we work with legal entities and individuals.
A thin gauge of 14-24 cm is available.
We deliver to your place.

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