Services: Offering services №52441
Feb. 3, 2025, 9:53 a.m.Views: 76 (stats)
City: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
Type of service: Repair of hitachi hydraulics.
Cost: 0.01 $
Our company specializes in the repair and maintenance of hydraulic equipment manufactured by Hitachi. For 7 years we have been specializing in the repair and diagnostics of this equipment. Repairs are carried out as soon as possible, as we have a stock of 80% of the parts of the main Hitachi products in our company's warehouse. In turn, the customer does not wait for a long answer on the timing of repairs and the cost of work. Additionally, we carry out commissioning work directly on the customer's premises. We provide a 1-year or 500 moto/hour warranty for repaired components or assemblies.
Contact details:
address: Yekaterinburg, 32 Chistaya St.
Phone: +7(343)298-02-00
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