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Selling Wood Mouldings: Imitation of timber in Moscow Russia №52469

Feb. 6, 2025, 5:21 p.m.Views: 174 (stats)

City: Moscow, Russia.

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Organization name: Glavstroy LLC

Type: Imitation of timber

Wood species: Conifers:pine

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per meter: не указана

Price per square meter: не указана

Price per cubic meter: 0.01 $

We produce mouldings from coniferous species: larch, pine, aspen; Calm lining, eurovagonka, imitation timber, floor board, bar, etc.
Product feature: chamber drying, length from 1 to 4 meters.

Contact details:
8-904-862-26-26 WhatsApp Web, Telegram
8(8212) 566-556


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