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Roundwood: Selling roundwood №52473

Jan. 22, 2025, 9:55 p.m.Views: 130 (stats)

City: Tomsk, Tomsk region, Russia

Organization name: show name and reputation

Wood species: Conifers:pine

Diameter in centimeters: 18 - 55 cm.

Length in meters: 4 - 12 m.

Price per cubic meter: 71.97 $

Our company is one of the fastest growing companies in the Tomsk region in the field of forestry business.
We keep prices lower than our competitors in the Tomsk region. We work for quality.
We will supply any volume according to your request
Currently selling:
Dark- tailed
The Larch tree
Birch tree
Call, write, we will conclude
All documentation is from us.

Contact details: show contacts

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