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Tools: Selling tools №52513

Jan. 28, 2025, 12:23 p.m.Views: 114 (stats)

City: Volgograd, Vologda region, Russia.

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Organization name: IP Artyushkin Alexey Pavlovich

TIN: 344313343409

Type: Knives

Tool name: Dividing knives for Hew Saw machines R200, R250, SL250, R115

Price: 996 $

We manufacture dividing knives for Hew Saw R200, R250, SL250, R115 machines

They are made of high-quality HARDOX 500 material (the material is resistant to abrasion).
The polished high-precision knife springs, but does not bend!!
Production according to your technical specifications is possible.
- All components are made of high-quality materials
- A wide range of parts for HewSaw equipment
- High standard of production

Contact details:
Email address for generating applications: aap.create@gmail.com


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