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Machines: Selling machines №52535

Jan. 30, 2025, 3:22 p.m.Views: 80 (stats)

City: Petrozavodsk, The Republic Of Karelia, Russia

Organization name: PCF Forwarder LLC

TIN: 1020018199

Type: Tree-planting technique

Name: TT-28M disc ripper (plough)

Year of manufacture: 2025

Price: 86,369.27 $

Domestic disc ripper, analog of Bracke t26.b, UOT-3000
Domestic disc ripper, analog of Bracke t26.b, UOT-3000
We are the only manufacturers of this type of equipment in Russia, and we guarantee after-sales service and the supply of spare parts during operation.
Danfoss hydraulic valves, weight of the plough - 3,326 tons, cast milling cutters with crowns, cab control, variable angle of attack of the milling cutters, productivity from 1 Ha /hour.

Contact details:
+7 921 220-77-33, Alexey
8 921 727-41-88, Andrey

Site: http://timbertrack.ru


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