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Selling Wood Mouldings: Floorboard in Omsk region Russia №716

Feb. 11, 2025, 9:55 a.m.Views: 3189 (stats)

City: Omsk, Omsk region, Russia.

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Organization name: IP Nazarenko Alexander Vladimirovich

TIN: 550405097652

Type: Floorboard

Wood species: Coniferous trees:pine tree

Moisture content: The dry forest

Price per meter: не указана

Price per square meter: 10.44 $

Price per cubic meter: 521.91 $

The company produces and sells molded products from lumber:
floorboard, imitation timber, block house, profiled timber, lining, etc.

All of these products are pre-dried. We also produce profiled products from the Customer's lumber.

✅ We provide drying and ironing services.
own drying chambers and imported woodworking equipment.

Our company is a manufacturer, which allows us to set competitive prices for all products.

, The price starts from 1000 rubles per 1m2.

Check prices by phone!

Contact details:
, Please inform us that you have seen the information about the product on the portal Lesnoy Resurs.rf

Omsk, st. 1- Zavodskaya, 39B
tel. 8(3812)21-75-04
WhatsApp +7 903-927-14-40
+7 962 058 8668


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