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Services: Offering services №9675

Jan. 21, 2025, 9:20 a.m.Views: 4794 (stats)

City: Kirov, Kirov region, Russia

Organization name: TD of Strowan

TIN: 4345155002

Type of service: Sawmill Kara, Laymet, Slidedeck, CDS: start-up, adjustment, repair circular sawing machines

Cost: 313.14 $

We carry out start - up and adjustment works, repair and maintenance of circular saws (circular saws) tsds-1100, tsds-710, TSDS80-63, SPR-Moloma, Slidetek, Kara, Laimet

Departure across Russia and the CIS

We provide CDR machines with components and spare parts

Delivery of saw blades 1000 mm, 800 mm, 630 mm (TTT-Finland, Neko-Germany, Option-Latvia, PILANA-Czech Republic, Nasjo-Sweden)

Contact details:

Site: http://prodles.ucoz.com/index/naladka/0-29


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