Equipment: drum dryer with heat exchanger №1895
Jan. 18, 2025, 8:36 a.m.Views: 3352 (stats)
City: Poznan, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Organization name: Granwood
Tax id: 11
Type: Drying equipment
Equipment name: drum dryer with heat exchanger
Price: 1,282,218.23 $
Offered drum dryers with heat exchanger
Dryer unlike conventional drum dryer - does not light up and explode .
Practically , this type of dryer can dry all without contact of dried material with fire and smoke. Drying occurs only in hot air
The principle of operation of this type of dryer heat in the camera is a special heat exchanger through which passes the inner fire, smoke or hot air from the boiler.
Thanks to the unique design of the heat exchanger -the Heat of odetsa on snaruzhu of the heat exchanger and heats the inner chamber, a stationary drum (does not spin) where is the set of spade that revolves and the angle peremennaya dried material through the inside of the drum.
The material is dried to rotate in all directions, so it's not just drying the surface
The heat exchangers inside the drum is regulated from the point of view so that the material can pass over dry faster thus increasing the efficiency and wet the material more slowly
The second point efficiency capacity control temperature in ovens
The dryers of this type after a minor izmeneniyah for any type of stove, depending on the initial temperature can increase drying efficiency
Capacity 500; 1000; 1500; 2000 kg/h
Contact details:
+37064535688; +37065279471
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