Equipment: pellet plant, pellet line №22637
Feb. 10, 2025, 11:55 a.m.Views: 2661 (stats)
Region: Ryazan region, Russia
Organization name: IP Butov Alexey Viktorovich
Type: Equipment for wood wastes processing
Equipment name: pellet plant, pellet line
Price: 24,007.75 $
Sold production of fuel granules (pellets) of sawdust, chips, slabs (depending on configuration). Sold as a complete line with dryer and lively bottom, so by parts ( there are a lot of components - tanks, feeders, cyclones, columns, cooling, spark arrestors AVM on the tumble dryer, crusher hammer, separate, granulator OGM , matrix and accessories.....).
Make installation of pelletizing pellets, commissioning of equipment and training of personnel at its plants and at the customer's plant. Ready after start-up to fully redeem all of the produced pellets, as have the existing plant and an established distribution in Europe.
Contact details:
8-985-910-00-59 Sergey
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