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Equipment: Multifunctional Angle-Turning Sawmill №22641

Feb. 5, 2025, 10:17 a.m.Views: 3808 (stats)

City: St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Russia.

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Organization name: Tagur

TIN: 7716587671

Type: Sawmill equipment:sawmill

Equipment name: Multifunctional Angle-Turning Sawmill

Price: 2,707.34 $

Unique new 380V circular sawmill, 360° rotatable (fixing 45°, 90°, 135°, 180°, ..., 360°). It is also suitable for the manufacture of hand-cut log cabins, a longitudinal groove.

The price depends on the metal price and may vary. Check the current price by phone.

— Works +40°C - 30°C without a wave with a given geometry;
— Power 5-7 kW;
— Productivity of 3 cubic meters of edged material per hour;
— Mobile (does not require a foundation);
— Sawing roundwood with a diameter of 80 to 500 mm;
— Length from 2 to 12 m;

— Sawing of roundwood (including hardwoods: birch, oak, larch);
— For hand-cut log cabins, performs a longitudinal spike-groove (without raskomlevki, 2 comlevye corners, 2 vertexes), works at a length of 2 to 12 meters
— Reismus (purity+-0.5mm);
— Edging machine (cross);
— Cylinder machine (facet) 6-8 facets;
— Sampling of the longitudinal interventricular groove;
— Manufacture of profiled timber "heart";
— Manufacture of pallets;
— Quarter sampling 45°-90°-135°;
— Manufacture of lining (chamfer/veneer);
— Radial and tangential sawing (joinery);
— Cut 3-4 mm (NOOK);
— Cut depth 300 mm.

A sawmill for private individual construction, for hand-cut cutters as equipment for the manufacture of a longitudinal groove, for farms, for livestock farms, for the construction of a private house, for the construction business. The sawmill is mobile, does not require a foundation, for sawing wood at the construction site of the house.

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