Equipment: Sawing machines Altay White Shark №31259
Dec. 15, 2024, 8:01 a.m.Views: 2631 (stats)
City: Ufa, The Republic Of Bashkortostan, Russia.
Organization name: LLC STF Decor-Ufa.
TIN: 0278903862
Type: Woodworking machinery:circular sawing machines
Equipment name: Sawing machines Altay White Shark
Price: 1,565.72 $
Supply a saw line on the basis of the Altai sawing machines with the capacity from 30 m3 to 300 m3 per shift.Proektiruemy shop for your tasks and opportunities.
Band and circular sawmill Altai.
Frame saws and trimming machines of Altai. The White Shark.
Machines for the processing of small timber Altay Mammoth.
Rivnopillia machines White Shark.
Mitre Stacy pendulum and communicating the Altai.
Machines for processing slabs of Altai.
Manufacture sale and repair of saws.
Contact details:
tel. 8-917-789-55-06
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