Tools: Selling tools №47079
Dec. 23, 2024, 1:33 p.m.Views: 1928 (stats)
City: Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, Russia
Organization name: LLC "Synthesis"
Type: Saws
Tool name: Flushing resin from saws
Price: 7.81 $
Washing of wood resin "Taiga":
1. It is characterized by the feature of dissolving wood resin, which reduces its ability to gain a foothold on saw surfaces.
2. It has excellent cleaning quality, which allows for 2-sided watering of saws to effectively wash off the resin and prevent it from sticking during sawing.
3. It has sufficiently good lubricating properties, which reduces the friction of saws when sawing wood, minimizing their overheating, "cutting" and "bullying".
4. Has a cooling effect on the saw surfaces of tools, reducing the possibility of their burnout and the appearance of a "wave".
5. It has no color and does not stain the wood when sawing.
6. Odorless, non-volatile, does not emit smoke and harmful vapors.
7. Has no tendency to form toxic compounds in the presence of other substances or factors.
8. Does not foam.
9. Fireproof and environmentally friendly.
10. Safe for human skin and respiratory organs.
11. Low consumption of the working solution and low price, thanks to repeated dilution with water, but at the same time it differs from other means with higher efficiency.
As a result of using the "Taiga" Flushing:
1. Stops of sawmilling equipment are eliminated to perform a number of operations to clean the saws from resin (disassembly and removal of saws, soaking them in solution, followed by scraping and cleaning the resin, washing from the remnants of various solvents and wiping; then assembling, adjusting and starting the sawmill); in in general, equipment downtime decreases and labor productivity increases.
2. Cooling and lubrication of saw surfaces has a positive effect on the condition of saws and sawmilling equipment: the time between sharpening decreases and the overall life of the saw increases.
3. Power consumption is reduced by reducing friction and load on electric motors.
4. The speed and quality of sawing increases, the service life of sawmilling equipment increases, - the economic efficiency of production increases.
Preparation of the working solution: the Taiga wood resin Flushing concentrate is diluted with tap water 1:200 (add two hundred liters of water to one liter of polymer). During freezing and subsequent defrosting, the flushing does not lose its technological properties, provided sufficient mixing.
The cost of the Taiga wood resin Washing concentrate is 500 rubles / l with VAT and packaging (2.5 rubles – a liter of working solution); it is supplied in polyethylene containers of 10, 20 and 50 liters.
Contact details:
Phone: 8-9648007730, 8-9648007725, 8-9025665540
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