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Services: Offering services №48593

Feb. 19, 2025, 10:24 a.m.Views: 1494 (stats)

City: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region, Russia.

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Organization name: IP Agapov Anton Viktorovich

TIN: 667106456834

Type of service: Design of drying chambers

Cost: 781.49 $

For the effective functioning of the drying chamber for lumber, we make a complex of thermal and aerodynamic calculations, on the basis of which we select equipment and develop a technological scheme of the dryer.

Based on the results of our work, it is possible to build/modernize a drying chamber and apply a Highly Efficient Wood Drying Technology or standard drying modes in it.

The deadline for performing calculations and building a technological scheme is 1-2 weeks.

As a result of designing the drying chamber, you will get:
- file with the results of thermal and aerodynamic calculations
- a file with a description of the technological equipment used in the construction of the chamber (types of fans and heaters with their characteristics, air dampers and valves with several electric drive options), as well as general rules for loading lumber into the chamber
- flow chart (PDF document with drawings of the drying chamber)
- a series of images and videos of a 3D camera model with a view of the main structural elements

We also produce automation for the control of drying chambers. It has already implemented a Highly Efficient Wood Drying Technology.

Contact details:
Detailed information on the Automatic Drying Regulator ARS-3 is available on the website ars3.ru or http://agapov-vp.ru/ars-3

Questions can be asked by mail: ars3npo@mail.ru
or by phone: +79043841906

Site: https://ars3.ru


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