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Equipment: Mobile condensing and convective drying chambers, KSK 15M №9902

Jan. 24, 2025, 8:06 a.m.Views: 3001 (stats)

City: Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, Russia.

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Organization name: Production enterprise "Izhevsk Plant Teploagregat"

TIN: 1831138602

Type: Drying equipment

Equipment name: Mobile condensing and convective drying chambers, KSK 15M

Price: 22,969.67 $

The drying chamber, KSK 15 series is designed for drying lumber of any wood species, including solid. The volume of lumber loading into the KSK 15 chamber is 15 cubic meters
. The equipment package includes:
1. Enclosing structure, prefabricated aluminum frame and thermal insulation cassette panels;
2. The wood condensation drying unit, model AKS 15 is a drying unit that performs the function of heating the air and turning part of the warm moist air into liquid.
3. Lifting and sliding gates or swing gates;
4.Ventilation unit with axial fans (for blowing the stack);
5.Cabinet with power electrical equipment and control control system; (included in the complete set of the unit)
6. Exhaust and supply ventilation valves (with electric drive);
7. Lifting-recoil mechanism (for sliding gates).
The main advantages of the acquisition of condensation drying chambers:
-Delivery in a complete set of the boiler that is required for the purchase of a boiler;
-Low energy consumption and cost of operation, commensurate with drying chambers operating from boiler equipment;
-Ease of maintenance and control of the drying process;
- Step-by-step creation of high-power complexes;
- "Soft" drying modes provide the required quality of lumber at the output.

Contact details:
Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, ul. Floodplain 29.
mob.89226826886 Viber\WhatsApp
Pushin Konstantin Vasilyevich.

Site: http://izhteploagregat.ru/sushilnue_kameru_ckk/


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